AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filters
AMSOIL Bypass Filters provide the best possible filtration protection against wear and oil degradation. Working in conjunction with the engine's full-flow oil filter, the AMSOIL Bypass Filtration System operates by filtering oil on a "partial-flow" basis. It draws approximately 10 percent of the oil pump's capacity at any one time and traps the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters can't remove.
AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filters typically filters all the oil in the system several times an hour, so the engine continuously receives analytically clean oil.
The majority of engine wear comes from particles from 5µ to 25µ in size. The problem that arises is that the average full-flow filter is only efficient for particles 20µ in size and larger. This means that all those particles under 20µ can pass through the filter and cause wear to your engine.
This is where an AMSOIL BYPASS SYSTEM comes into play. Installing a Bypass System on your vehicle will efficiently filter particles down to 2µ in size, effectively reducing the wear on your engine.
How Bypass Filtration Works
Bypass oil filtration features a secondary filter with the purpose of eliminating nearly all contaminants from motor oil.
AMSOIL Bypass filters have high capacities and eliminate much smaller particles than full-flow filters, including soot.
Bypass filters reduce engine wear and increase oil volume, but their high efficiencies mean they also have higher restrictions and must be used in conjunction with a full-flow filter.
Bypass filters operate by filtering oil on a "partial-flow" basis. They draw approximately 10 percent of the oil pump's capacity at any one time and trap the extremely small, wear-causing contaminants that full-flow filters can't remove.
Bypass filters have a high-pressure differential, causing the oil to flow through them very slowly and allowing for the removal of smaller contaminants.
It is called bypass filtration because the oil flows from the bypass filter back to the sump, bypassing the engine.
This continual process eventually makes all the oil analytically clean, reduces long-term wear, and can dramatically extend oil drain intervals.
Benefits to using an AMSOIL Bypass System
- Efficient small particle and soot removal - The high-efficiency AMSOIL Ea Bypass Filter element is also an effective soot-removal device. The filter element is composed of highly efficient media, which increases soot-removal efficiency when the bypass filter is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter.
- Dramatically Extended Drain Intervals - Ea AMSOIL Bypass Filters can help users extend their oil drain intervals. AMSOIL recommends using oil analysis when extending oil drain intervals.
- Reduced maintenance cost - AMSOIL Bypass Systems provide a dramatic increase in engine protection, helping you avoid costly repairs associated with engine wear.
- Can significantly extend engine life - The majority of engine wear is caused by particles in the 5-20 micron range. Because AMSOIL Ea Bypass Filters effectively remove contaminants down to 2 microns, your engine receives the ultimate in-wear protection. Less engine wear keeps the engine in better physical condition, extending its life.
- Increased filtration capacity and life -
An additional filter adds an additional opportunity to filter particles out of the oil. The full-flow filter removes larger particles down to about 20 microns, while the bypass filter removes the smaller particles down to 2 microns. Working together, these filters provide next-level protection for your engine.
- Improved oil cooling - With increased oil capacity, the oil filtration system contains more fluid through which it can disperse heat from the engine. This allows the engine and the oil to run cooler.
- Increased fluid system capacity - By installing an additional filter, the engine system has the capacity to hold more oil. The increased fluid capacity and filtration life ensure the equipment constantly runs on highly filtered oil. Engine efficiency is increased, providing extended engine life.
Dramatically extended drain intervals
Single Remote vs Dual Remote Bypass Systems
AMSOIL offers two types of bypass systems: single-remote and dual-remote. The systems are equally efficient, and the only real difference is the full-flow filter’s location.
Full Flow Filter vs Bypass Filter
Full-flow filters are more open and free-flowing than bypass filters so they are able to support the flow of oil that lubricates the engine. Because they are freer-flowing, they are less efficient at removing small particles. AMSOIL Ea® Full-Flow Filters can efficiently remove particles down to 20 microns.
Bypass filters only filter a small percentage of the system’s oil at any given time. Denser, more efficient filtration media provides improved small-particle removal. Ea Bypass Filters efficiently remove contaminants (98.7 percent efficiency) down to 2 microns.
Used together, full-flow and bypass filters provide comprehensive wear protection against both large and small particles, as well as both short-term and long-term wear. In addition, filter capacity is increased, and the life of the filters is extended.
How To Install AMSOIL Bypass System